7th Grade School Project
    During the 500's BC, Africans discovered iron. They used it for many purposes including farming and war. Owning even a salt mine ment you were very wealthy. Iron mines were even better. The West Africans depended on nature for their needs and survival. They were getting more and more advanced, so they expanded and started trading. Back in those times, iron was a major export, and it was very valuable. People from everywhere wanted iron for many purposes. 
Assignment- Core Concentration: Which of the four climate regions of Africa--the desert, sahel, savannah, or rain forest--would present the most hardships for daily living, and why?

    I think the desert would be the hardest place to live in due to the climate. Deserts have sandstorms, it's hot during the day and freezing at night, there could be lack of water, and you have to travel every where by foot or camel. There could be a drought and that would take an effect on the water supply. 
    The sahel is south of the Sahara Desert. The nearby desert could have an effect on the sahel's climate. Drought can also effect the sahel.
    The savannah is a dry grassland with lots of bushes and trees. It is in the tropical region in Africa. It could be a hard place to travel due to all of the grass. I picture the grasslands to look like the movie Lion King. 
    The rain forest is always wet, it has lots of trees, and many varieties of animals and plants. It could be hard to live there because of the animals or plants. Some plants may be poisonous and you could make you very sick or it could kill you. The animals may be dangerous, too.
In my CORE class with Mrs.Frazier, we are learning about Muhammad and the Islam religion. 
    Muhammad had a tough time growing up; his father died before he was born and his mother died when he was 6. After his parents death, Muhammad lived with his grandfather, then his uncle. They traveled in the caravan. When he grew up, he managed a caravan with a woman named Khadijah. Eventually, they married. 
    Traditionally, the wealthy helped the poor, but the wealthy were greedy people, and wanted all money to themselves. 
    Sometimes, Muhammad went outside the city to meditate or pray. One day, he decided to meditate in a cave. An angel appeared and told him, "Recite!". At first, he was confused, but he recited a prayer, which made him into a prophet. He created Islam.
    When he started to share his messages, he didn't have many followers.  Since the people in Arabia refused to take part in his religion, he decided to venture out of the city to look for support. Finally, the people of Mecca stepped in and welcomed him into the city. There he got many followers. Merchants didn't like him because he was taking away their business and they were looking money. What really ticked them off was when Muhammad claimed his followed him would live in a community where the rich and poor would live in harmony. They didn't like him either. He left and went to the city of Medina. He had many followers. He also moved into a house with his wife Khadijah and daughter Fatimah. 
     Assignment: Core Concentration: Your town is a crossroads for traders and herders. You have always lived in town, but sometimes you envy the freedom of the desert travelers. Your uncle, a trader, says you are old enough to join his caravan. It would mean traveling many days by camel. Your parents don’t like the idea but will let you decide. Will you join the caravan? Why or why not?
    My Response: I would listen to my parents because it's in the desert and it says we will be traveling a lot by camel. The desert is way to hot for me; especially during the day. I really want to get a nights sleep. I don't think I could ever do that in any way, shape, or form. NEVER!!               
     In our CORE class, (history and english together; you can see our teacher [Mrs.Fraizer] website under my classes) we did an activity that had to do with ancient Rome. Some people were barbarians, and others sold goods. My partner and I sold wool from France, so we had to convince the people of Rome to buy our goods. For every two goods, the Romans gave us one token. The tokens were used as protection from the barbarians. 
       We ended up getting only four tokens. If the barbarian had more tokens than you, they killed you and stole all your goods. We were one of the first to die. Apparently, wool isn't needed that much. 
       If I could have chosen a different part to play, I would have chosen the Romans. The Romans looked like they made wise choices on which goods to buy, but I feel I could have done better. The whole game was confusing, but I think that part was the easiest. 
    The book I am reading right now is called Missing by Catherine MacPhail. I saw it in the library and it caught my eye because of the title. Throughout the book, it describes the life of a girl named Maxine after her brother Derek's death. My favorite part is when Derek scared the living daylights out of the person who had been bullying him before his death (Sweeny). I didn't like the very end when Derek's spirit came home and lived with them again because it's kind of cheesy. In the book it says Derek and Maxine's friend Cam were having a conversation over what movie to watch. The whole book was realistic except for the end.
     To be honest, I don't keep up on all the things that have to do with the government. I don't know the people up for elections or anything. I don't really care about it because it doesn't influence my everyday life. My parents don't really care for it, either. They vote and everything, but its not a type of subject that would be in one of our conversations. 
    I don't keep up with it because when people discuss it, they use words so educated, its like another language. It is way to confusing for me to even begin to wrap my head around.

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