7th Grade School Project
     This year had its ups and downs. Most of my year, probably over half, were pretty stressful and depressing. I don't kno2w about you, but when I get stressed I get canker sores in my mouth. In case you never had one, it feels like stabbing and burning at the same time and even numbing gel won't stop it. Anyways, back to the memories.
     Lets get the worst over with, shall we? I had the most amazing best friend ever, like, on the face of this planet. We went and did everything together. We even called each other long-lost sisters. She heard I called her a name, but I said in in a different context. They said I called her the b-word, but really, I meant she was acting like one, not she was one. She was being mean and embarrassing me in front of some people I was beginning to become friends with. She was just being mean. So, we separated. Seeing her makes my heart break a little more each time. She purposely walks by me laughing with my old friend. She sits across the hall from me because she wants to hurt me. 
     On the bright side, I met the most amazing girl on the face of this planet. She is absolutely amazing! She means the world to me. She knew about my old friend and how much I was hurting, so she took me in. I met a lot of new people and made a lot more friends. I could honestly say that I love her. I always have to say not in that way, in the friend way, because I'm bisexual and I don't want her to get the wrong message. So  
     If you're reading this Ellie, I love you so much. You mean the world to me. I tell you everything because I know you'll keep the secret. You are amazing. I never want to lose you. We're the same; you understand me. We both have our problems, so we get along perfectly. I love you, Girly-Fry. Never forget it, Ellie ♥
     The best book ever is called Bad Girls Don't Die by Katie Alender. The book is about a high school girl named Alexis who finds herself in a not-so-hot situation. Alexis has a little sister who is 13 and doll-obsessed (this is creepy because I'm 13 and doll-obsessed, too). Kasey becomes a body for a demon names Sarah to live in. When Kasey's eyes are blue, she's normal, but when they're green, that's when she is Sarah. 
     My favorite part of the book is when Alexis first sees Kasey being attacked by Sarah, while still in Kasey's body. Kasey's eyes are changing and she is using unusual language. Kasey passes by Alexis and drags her fingertips along her arm. It leaves four red marks like in the movies.
     I found out the book was a trilogy to two other books called From Bad to Cursed and As Dead as it Gets. Both were amazing, and I strongly suggest you read them. I was so upset that there were only three b
     You may have heard of the period of Enlightenment around the time of the Scientific Revolution. People started challenging theories about science, religion, and government. Thinkers for the Enlightenment were greatly influenced by ancient Greeks, Romans, the Christian Reformation, Renaissance and the Scientific Revolution. Thomas Aquinas's demonstration of faith caused people to challenge the church's authority. Renaissance peoples took more influence on achievements and less on God. 
     People like French philosopher Volataire (Pronunciation: vohl-TAYR) openly criticized the church, writing and publishing books about it. He did get in trouble (obviously), so he spoke about censorship. Another Frenchman named Denis Diderot wrote a multi volume book called the Encyclopedia. The pope and king of france banned it, so people held salons, or private meetings to discuss different ideas.
     When we went to the zoo trip, there were multiple stations with different activities everywhere; there were 25, to be exact. We weren't expected to visit all of them because we had other things to do at the zoo. We went to about 10 of them. We were broken into groups of about 10 (us in particular only had 9). We were led by a senior in high school named Ashley. She was a good tour guide.
     My favorite station had to be the one where we used different materials to see what kept us warm in ice water. The materials were: blubber (just  Crisco), fur, and a control bag. The water was about 0 degrees. We put our hands in each. There was a bag inside a bag to keep the materials from actually getting on us. We took turns putting our hands in the bags and feeling which kept our hands the warmest. It was a close one, but blubber kept my hand the warmest. The best part was it was right in front of the huge glass window where you can see underwater in Sea Lion Cove. They were doing tricks and swimming close to the glass. When they did, the crowd went crazy. Most of the crowds were children, so that explains it. We had a fun activity to do while having a beautiful view at the same 
     Because the year is almost over, (June 13th) I'd like to reflect on some of my favorite moments. Some weren't so great, and some were pretty good like the ones that made my day.
     One of the best moments was when I bonded with the new teachers that are substituting for Mrs. Pope. Mrs. Pope got very sick and couldn't come back for the rest of the year. Our first sub, Mr. Knight, was one of the best. He liked to mess around a lot. He would tell about his past experiences. Our new sub, Mrs. Moon, is amazing! I don't have friends anymore. My friends hate me and so they left me out. Mrs. Moon would let me stay with her in her classroom at break and lunch because people called me a loner whenever I sat alone outside. My best friend Samantha committed suicide last Tuesday, all my friends turned on me, and now I just sit in the corner of my room all day and just cry my eyes out. I feel sick of crying everyday, and I just want to be happy again. I hate being this way. I just sit there alone. I seriously never come out. The only people I have are my parents, more like my dad. He knows how to comfort me better than my mom. The friend that treated me the worst tries to sarcastically care, but I just ignore her. I want nothing to do with her anymore.

    There are many theories scientists believe the Maya fell. Some are climate, bad leaders, food shortage, etc. I think the reason they fell was because of food shortage. 
     There would be a food shortage when the civilization was thriving. Because they were having a high peak in society, more babies would be born. How would the babies get fed when there was no food. They wouldn't. It would be terrible to hear your child crying in hunger. 
     The food shortage caused the fall because how would the people get food? Eventually, everyone moved out and found a new place where they could live with a better food source. A place like the coast or a place with fertile soil would be the best. After all, their main crop was maize (corn). The city was eventually abandoned. Everyone moved, but some people died because of it.  
     My family and I have been traveling for so long; I've lost count of the time. We're endured harsh weather, ferocious animals, and lack of food and water. At one point, we gave up. We were looking for a permanent home, but saw nothing. The land was barren. 
     One day in April - I believe -, we came across a beautiful abandoned village. There was a freshwater lake, and beautiful homes. It was perfect. 
     Our grandfather and uncle who were traveling with us said they weren't staying here. They strongly refused. My daughter, son, husband and aunt argued that they would not leave. I, personally, loved the place and wanted to stay there, but I didn't want to insert my opinion and start drama even more than there already was. I just stood there admiring the village, holding my daughter's hand. 

    This year's Spring Vacation, I look forward to getting my chores done. I NEED the money SO BAD!!! I have a lot to do: fold laundry, wash laundry, vacuum, dust, clean off tables, and babysit my little siblings (19 months, 4 years, [sometimes a 9-year-old]). 
     I have a list of things I need to save up for: More foundation, hairspray, and face wash; running shoes, duct tape, and more bows for my hair. 
     I got my fringe bangs last night! I would post a picture, but I don't want to get stalked, so too bad, so sad. My grandma did them after dinner, and shortly after that, I realized how much it looked like Justin Bieber. Disgusting. 
     Today my bangs look awesome, even though I put mousse, hairspray, and spray gel (you apply it to damp hair), it still didn't stay! Whatever. They look amazing anyways. My mom saw it and just stared at me. I asked her what she was thinking, but she just kept quiet. My sister loved it, of course, because if she didn't, she knew I'd hit her, considering she's a 'Belieber
     The Black Death was a plague that could kill someone in less than a day. It was very contagious, and people needed to get as far away from the source as possible. 
     The Black Death lasted from 1374 to 1351 in Europe. The plague officially came from central and eastern Asia. However, the plague was caused by several other plagues. Over 1000 villages were abandoned! The Black Death was a great crisis. Medicine was scarce and they didn't have the technology to find the cure. A large percentage of people in Europe died from the plague. 
     My uncle is told he needs to go to fight a war because, after all, he is a warrior. My uncle is getting old, and he doesn't think he could do it. They told him that he will need to find someone who could fight. Someone young, and someone that could manage. Even though I'm not his son, the job fell on me! 
     I'm scared over the war. I don't want to die; I'm still young. It will be very hard for someone my age. I will be fighting to keep my hometown safe for my family and the other civilians, but the thought that I could die is unbearable. I think I'll go, though. I'll be a hero to my family and our entire town. I just want everyone to be safe, and I've always wanted to be part of the army, but I didn't think it would happen this early in my life. I just hope everything will go smoothly. 
     I still don't see why my uncle didn't pick my other cousin. My uncle has no sons, but he has two brothers with sons. My cousin is older than me by 2 years. I think he would be better suited for the job. He's very fit and strong. I'm small. I don't see why I would be picked when he has a perfectly fine person other than me that can fight bet

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