7th Grade School Project
     Because the year is almost over, (June 13th) I'd like to reflect on some of my favorite moments. Some weren't so great, and some were pretty good like the ones that made my day.
     One of the best moments was when I bonded with the new teachers that are substituting for Mrs. Pope. Mrs. Pope got very sick and couldn't come back for the rest of the year. Our first sub, Mr. Knight, was one of the best. He liked to mess around a lot. He would tell about his past experiences. Our new sub, Mrs. Moon, is amazing! I don't have friends anymore. My friends hate me and so they left me out. Mrs. Moon would let me stay with her in her classroom at break and lunch because people called me a loner whenever I sat alone outside. My best friend Samantha committed suicide last Tuesday, all my friends turned on me, and now I just sit in the corner of my room all day and just cry my eyes out. I feel sick of crying everyday, and I just want to be happy again. I hate being this way. I just sit there alone. I seriously never come out. The only people I have are my parents, more like my dad. He knows how to comfort me better than my mom. The friend that treated me the worst tries to sarcastically care, but I just ignore her. I want nothing to do with her anymore.


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