7th Grade School Project
    Last night, we were reqired to read an article about mitosis. Most of the material I already knew. Mistsis is how eukaroyote cells reproduce. 
    The first stage is interphase. This is when the cell gets larger and the DNA is copied. It is getting ready to split. 
    Prophase is the second phase. Here, chromatin in the nucleus condense to chromosomes. Structures called spindle fibers form growing towards the center of the cell. The nuclear membrane breaks down.
    Metaphase is the third. The chromosomes line up perfectly across the center of the cell. The spindle fibers connect to the chromosomes. 
    Anaphase is fourth. The spindle fibers pull away from eachother, taking the chromosomes with them. They move tyo opposite sides of the cell. 
    Telophase is fifth. The chromosomes spread and loose the rodlike looks. A new nuclear membrane forms in the middle of the cell. 
    Cytokinesis is the final stage. This is when the cell spits forming two daughter cells. The seperation is complete.
There are different kinds of cells: bacteria, plant, and animal cells. 
    Bacteria can be either healty or dangerous. Bacteria usally have a nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, and a tail for getting around. They live on almost anything. They can be considered germs, or even put in yougurt for health. 
    Plant calls have a cell wall (which an animal cell does not), a cell membrane, cytoplasm, chloroplasts (for making chloroplyl) etc. All plants, from flowers to bushes to trees, have plant cells. even a dead plant that was once living has cells, but these cells are frozen in their stage of mitosis. Plants go through cell resperation and photosynthesis. Plants can make their own food using photosynthesis.
    Animal cells don't have a cell wall or cloroplasts, but rather a cell membrane and mitochondria. Animals go through cell resperation and fermentation. Animal cells do not go through photosynthesis and cannot make their own food. Animals must consume food to get the nutrience and energy they need. 
    Last week, we did a project of creating a cell. If creating a cell diagram wasn't hard enough, it had to be edible. We used a cake for the base of the cell, and frosting covering it acting as the cytoplasm. A cookie acted as a nucleus, and Sour Punch strings were the ER. We put graham crackers around the outside so it looked a liitle like a cell wall. We had to cover it all with different foods to stand for the different cell parts. 
    The teachers asked us to write this to tell then what we learned and to show if they should do this project again next year. I think the project was very helpful. Matching the cell parts  from the book into an actual diagram was good practice so we know which cell part goes where. We also had to study the parts to tell Mrs. Poole if we knew which parts of the cell performed which tasks. If this experiment continues, I think the future students will have a good time doing this project. Not only is it educational, but it's also fun. 

    My favorite fall of the autumn season is the way the leaves change from green to beautiful shades of red, yellow or orange, the smell of baking cookies (family tradition), cool, rainy, or cloudy weather, and getting to spend time with my family when it's too cold to go outside. 
    The leaves may be my favorite part. They change and turn an ordinary neighborhood into a piece of artwork. The colors line the streets and create a beautiful scenery. The leaves fall, and we can rake up piles and jump in, However, I hate getting my clothes dirty, so I usally just rake the piles and let my little siblings jump in. My brother likes to make Leaf-Angels, which is pretty much the same as Snow-Angels, but with leaves instead of snow. 
    I love to bake, especially with my grandma. We make cupcakes more than cookies, but sometimes my family will buy some Pilsbury dough and we will make some of those. Our cupcakes turn out pretty good, and the smell in the kitchen is priceless!
    After a long summer, it is good to finally have some cool weather. When it's summer, all you want it to be is cold, but when it's winter, you just want to be hot again.

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