7th Grade School Project
    Nowadays, less and less people believe in Santa Claus. Some have good reasons. I have proof that he isn't real. For example, about two years ago on the day after Christmas, I found the same wrapping paper that my gift from "Santa" was wrapped in under my mom's bed. She made up some smart excuse, which I believed for a while. Last year, I woke up before my mom and the stockings were empty. I told my mom and she told me to hold on and keep my brother and sisters out of the living room while she filled them. When we were allowed in the living room, they were full. Great cover-up mom.
    Besides, we also have basic logic on our side. Can reindeer fly? Could someone get out of a sleigh, go down the chimney, distribute presents, eat whatever snacks, get back up the chimney, get in the sleigh and take off in 1/1000 if a second? Can someone live forever? I THINK NOT!
    It's good to have something to bribe little ones into being good all year to get something they really wanted from some guy they don't even know. They never fully think through the whole thing. Right when they hear presents, they couldn't care less where it comes from. I know he isn't real, but I play along. I ask for big expensive things from Santa because I know "he" can't say no like my parents can.
    Even is Santa did exist at one time, he's dead now. 
"Santa is an old man in a tight red suit (now black because it's covered in ash) that you let in your house because he says he has something for your kids."
    The DNA replicates in the first stage of mitosis, interphase. The DNA splits down the center, forming two exact copies of the original DNA structure. Now, the original DNA is gone, and it has turned into two "daughter" strands. Pretty soon, these strands will duplicate forming four new DNA strands. Then those duplicate and the process will repeat again and again.
    When the DNA splits, it basically tears down the middle and makes new bases that form the double helix once again. Of course when it splits, thymine will connect with adenine and cytosine will connect with guanine. 
    After the split is when the cells can duplicate. Every cell must have DNA. Without DNA (DNA has instructions on how to create a new cell of that sort), the cell wouldn't function correctly. This is called a mutation. Cancer cells are mutated cells that don't know when to stop growing; in other words, they have uncontrolled growth. 
    DNA is shaped like a twisted ladder, otherwise known as a double helix. The shape was founded by James Watson, Francis Crick, Rosalind Franklin, Erwin Chargaff, and Maurice Wilkins in the 1950's. 
    The parts are deoxyribose sugar, phosphate group, adenine, cytosine, thymine, guanine, nucleotides, and base pairs that all make up the double helix. The adenine, cytosine, guanine, and thymine are all connected with phosphates. The connecting pairs connect to make a double helix. Only adenine connects to thymine and only guanine connects to cytosine. 
    Rosalind Franklin was a female scientist that discovered a lot about the double helix. In that time, the female scientists weren't respected, and often ignored. She took x-ray pictures of a DNA strand.
    The two scientists named James Watson and Francis Crick teamed up. They both tried to create a model. First attempt: FAIL. Second attempt (with stolen Rosalind Franklin's observation): SUCCESS. 

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