7th Grade School Project
    According to my research over the weekend, the price of a 12 pack of Mountain Dew is about $5.00 while a 1-liter (33.8 oz) is about $1.59. Of course, if you buy a 12 pack, you are also buying the packaging. That adds up. There's not very much of the Mountain Dew in every can. There is about 42% of a liter in each can. If you add it up, it turns out to be $5.04, so you save  4 cents. Not very much, is it?
    Buying the actual 1-liter bottle of Mountain Dew is a better deal. Unless you're on the move, you can easily use a drinking glass from home to drink it. Soda cans aren't always as sanitary as glasses from home. Some people even say they can taste the difference!
     Math was fairly easy once I got the hang of the problem solving and set-up. I really liked working with fractions, but when the numbers got big, I started small (if the numbers were even I divided by two), then just worked my way up until I couldn't reduce anymore. 
    Word problems were a problem for me, but my dad showed me how to get a math problem from the word problem, and solve it. On Thursdays, my dad is at work in San Francisco for the whole weekend, and my mom is completely clueless about what we're doing. I will search up a example of my work on the Internet, solve it myself, and check it on this site Wolfram Alpha to be sure I got it right. Sometime this year, I'm going to get a tutor for math. Sometimes I can't ask my dad for help, like when he's busy, so I could use a tutor for help when my dad isn't available. 
    Proportions were pretty easy. I knew some real-life situations where someone would use it. Some subjects are completely useless in the real world (like the Pythagorean Theorm; when would we ever use that??) 

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