7th Grade School Project
    According to my research over the weekend, the price of a 12 pack of Mountain Dew is about $5.00 while a 1-liter (33.8 oz) is about $1.59. Of course, if you buy a 12 pack, you are also buying the packaging. That adds up. There's not very much of the Mountain Dew in every can. There is about 42% of a liter in each can. If you add it up, it turns out to be $5.04, so you save  4 cents. Not very much, is it?
    Buying the actual 1-liter bottle of Mountain Dew is a better deal. Unless you're on the move, you can easily use a drinking glass from home to drink it. Soda cans aren't always as sanitary as glasses from home. Some people even say they can taste the difference!

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