7th Grade School Project
     Blogging about math on Mondays did help me. When we write it, it's usually right after we learn it when it's fresh in my mind. After a while, I start to forget (due to my ADHD), so I use my older Math Monday blog posts as references when I'm struggling on homework or things like that.
     Around the bottom of this page are some examples of this kind of help. I do use posts to refresh my mind. Sure, searching it online would be easier, but most time they use big words, and as you may have noticed, I'm as bright as an eclipse. I can understand the way our teacher puts it, but in my own words is easier to understand. 
     A good site to use for checking answers (not finding answers) is Wolfram Alpha. They have everything! You can even search "Do you love me?" and it came up, "Yes, I love anyone who asks me questions." Creepy, but cool. There are a lot of sites you can use. You can even just type it in a search engine such as Google or Yahoo. I just find Wolfram Alpha easier because they even give examples and step-by-step directions to how to solve it on your own. I learn from there; it's almost better than learning in class! I highly encourage you to check it out. 
     Most websites are complicated, especially if you go on Google and type "Define ___." After searching that, my brain exploded! 

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