7th Grade School Project
     There were some difficult subjects this semester. Of course it would get harder because teachers hate us. Kidding. Our brains are getting more complex, so we can handle more. The most difficult thing has to be finding the slope of a line on a graph. 
     Oh. My. God. HARDEST THING EVER!! I was so confused! There was no way I could understand it. It's like "Slope equals slope (rise over run). Then a variable. I don't know why there is a variable. Then add or subtract the y-intercept. I don't know how to determine the operation you're supposed to use! When in the world would we ever use this in real life?? Same thing with the Pythagorean Theorm. WHEN?! 
     I eventually overcame it (it was about time!). My dad helped me alot. Only my dad can do this stuff. He can dumb-it-down so I understand. He is GENIUS!! My mom hasn't been able to help me since fourth grade because we both have learning disorders, so it's really hard for us to understand and remember the material we worked on. My dad helped me solve it and we came up with a little face to use to remember called Mrs. Slope. It's hard to describe. It helped on the CST testing, though. 

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