7th Grade School Project
     In my opinion, the most important discovery in science is the aging of rocks. How else would we know what the earth was like before us? We have to use fossils of either imprints of bodies of ancient animals. We know about dinosaurs, trilobites, and other things that would have been a complete mystery. All of the things about ancient animals and plants was before any sort of documentation, so it would have been left unknown without rocks containing fossils. 
     It takes a lot of time and patience to be an archaeologist to dig up fossils. I mean, it would practically be the "end of the world" if it broke. I'm not an archaeologist, so I don't know how fragile they are, but if a careless person broke it, that wouldn't be good. It would be all on them. They spend lots of time, days, even weeks, to dig up a fossil because they need to be sure that they keep it in good shape to study later on. It has been a long process for the fossil to be how it is now, hundreds of thousands of years old! 
     There are different kinds of rocks. There are sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic. The sedimentary was once sediment that has been cemented together with no human 

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