7th Grade School Project
    In class, we are playing an interactive game called Ribbon Hero 2: Clippy's Second Chance. Clippy is a.....paperclip. He is going on this wild adventure.
    In the game, it teaches you how to use Powerpoint Office, Word, and Excel. The game jumps around, so it could be difficult to understand. Right around level 5 is when I gave in and started using a couple hints. It would clearly state how to do a certain job. I found out today that writing down a few notes from the games is allowed to help you remember. From now on, I'll use that.
    I don't think that I would learn enough using this game only without the tutorials of Microsoft subjects. This game is alright, but the directions aren't clear unless you use the hints, which we're trying to avoid. The Microsoft tutorials are better for learning, but taking notes is a lot of boring work. It does help for future reference, though. 
    After level 5 is when it got tricky. Then would be a good time to use some notes from Microsoft. I used hints, sadly, but I would retry, so it was beneficial the first time around to get the hang of it. 
"I still love you..."
    Friends come and go. I've had two best friends that have been there through it all. I'd been hiding a secret (I'm not yet to let it be public yet) for as long as I can remember. I told one of them Thursday the 24 before school at the bus stop. I'd been so tired of going around with this secret weighing me down. I told her, expecting the worst. She paused and said, "Oh....wow...." It went a lot smoother than I thought it would. I hadn't even told my family because I thought they wouldn't believe me, or support me through it. 
    At school during break on Thursday, I was going to tell my friend, who I consider my sister. I brought it up with talking about my cousin, who had the same secret and let it be public on Facebook. She inspired me to not care what people thought and she was the same, even after the secret was out. I took the picture she used on her put on Facebook and hid it in the back of my binder. I told her about my cousin coming out and she laughed. 
    That being said, I was scared to tell her that my secret was the same. I just didn't care anymore. I grabbed her arm and showed her the picture. She took a few times to read it then looked up at me with huge eyes, obviously in shock. Oh God...., I thought. That shock turned into a smile and she hugged me and said she didn't care. We were sisters by heart, and NOTHING would ever change that. She said she still loved me for me, and that the secret didn't effect her.
    After school, we talked on the phone. Things were clearly awkward for me. We talked like we used to, I was just a little quieter. We talked about homework, school, Kidzworld comments (online chat we play), and the ending of my best relationship yet. She's trying to convince me that he wasn't good enough. I'm single now, but with a hard to accept secret.

    Last weekend, my dog Diego got out of the backyard when my dad opened the gate to put stuff out for the neighborhood pick-up. He's never seen anything besides the backyard, so getting out was a great thing for him. But the excitement didn't last long.
    I was still in my boxer shorts and tank top, and I only had time to put on some flip-flops. I was chasing him for a long time. There was guys doing drugs across the street cursing at me and Diego. I kept telling them to leave us alone, but they wouldn't, so I used my 'grown-up vocabulary' and cursed them out (my parents say I can do that to people like them). Diego ran to the next block where there are lots of Pit-bulls. One saw him, and they started barking at each other very loudly. I tried to grab Diego's collar, but he slipped out of it. The dog slid out from under the gate and started attacking Diego. I was screaming as loud as I could and kicking the pit bull as hard as I could, and I could care less if he turned on me. I just wanted my baby to be okay. The owner of the dog came out and pried the pit bull of Diego, but It was too late. He had already bit through his ear and the side of his face. The guys across the street were just staring at me and doing absolutely nothing! My dad heard my screams and ran as fast as he could to the next block, which isn't very fast. The guys were laughing at him because he couldn't get there in time. Diego was petrified. My mom was unaware of what happened because he was inside getting a harness and leash to put on him. I didn't even need to tell Diego to go home, he just ran as fast as he could to get home. "Make sure he's okay!", my dad told my mom. My mom said, "Yeah, he's o-" 
    She saw the blood all over his face. We cuddled him and cleaned him up. The wounds weren't very serious, so no veterinarian care was needed. We just used some home remedies for him. I hope he learned his lesson.
    I haven't seen the pit bull since then.

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