7th Grade School Project
    My baby sister (Isabella) is growing up so fast. She is getting into a lot of trouble. She thinks she's a dare-devil and she will climb on the tables, beds, couches, etc. She gets hurt a lot, but she is a tough girl. It's pretty fun to play with her. I'll take a toy and do something to it and she will copy. 
    On Wednesday, I painted her nails for the very first time! I thought it would be hard to paint a one-year-old's nails, but she was cooperative. First I painted her toes so she got the hang of it. She wanted to grab the nail polish bottle, but I kept it far from her. I decided since she did a good job with her toes, that I would paint her hands. Usually, she pulls her hand away when you take it, but this time, as soon as the brush touched her nails, she let me hold her hand to finish. As I moved on to her other hand, she marveled at the painted hand. I used a washable, pink nail polish that smelt like strawberry nerds. I have to redo them every few days because when she gets her hands wet (sometimes by playing in the cats' water bowl), the washable nail polish comes off. 
    She likes to turn off the computer, especially when I'm doing something important. She is learning new words like thanks, mama, dada, and one we have NO IDEA where she learned it was butt-head. She will yell at us (she is violent and has a short temper) like when we tell her to pick something up, she will run out of the room and scream BUTT-HEAD!!

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