7th Grade School Project
     I was going through pictures looking for pictures to put on my family tree for French class. All the pictures are old. I knew that because there were pictures of when I was a baby and my dad wasn't bald. I found highschool pictures of my mom. I was shocked.
     The pictures were crazy! In some, she had either black or dark red lipstick on and fire-red hair. She was wearing old band T-shirts. They were amazing! I wish she saved them for me. Most had System of a Down or Marilyn Manson on it. So cool. The pictures said "A.Dominquez" on it. That isn't her last name anymore, and her name isn't anywhere on this website, so don't go creeping her.
     I want to be like her! She wore long, velvet, black skirts and everything about her was wonderful. She is the best mom ever. I couldn't ask for more. 
     My real dad moved back in with us when I was 5 after he'd had a kid with another woman. Now I have a little brother and sister with a step-sister mixed in. My family is awesome and I couldn't ask for more. 
     She's also getting me obsessed with more old rock music, such as Pantera. My favorite song by them is "This Love". I can't post it until I upgrade and I don't want to upgrade, so whatever. Just search it up. You'll love it if your music preferences are like mine. Rock and metal all the way ♥

     Yesterday, an old friend of mine from elementary school came over. She is a year older than me. We haven't seen eachother since I was in 5th grade because she was in 6th and she left the school before I did. She goes to the school at my bus stop and I saw her glance towards me. She changed so much, I didn't even know it was her!
     She changed her look dramatically. She had long, straight, black hair, side-swept bangs, air-tight, blue jeans, and a Pierce the Veil shirt (she got me listening to it when she brought her IPod over). They're pretty cool, I guess. I like my vintage rock bands better because no one that is like me listens to that kind of music. It makes me a different kind of scene =]
(Make-up for last Friday, I was absent)
     Well, 'Awesome' is in quotes because my weekend was horrible! Okay, I have time, so let me explain....
     It started off on Thursday night of last week. I was absent Friday because of it. I did a lot of dumb stuff that ended up in a fight with my parents. They found out that I was doing a lot of bad stuff. I was practically in a puddle of tears, and makeup was EVERYWHERE! My mom called a place called C Care, which is an "Emergency Crisis Center." They tied me down and took me in an ambulance, and it wasn't very fun. It ended up being 2 a.m and so I had to stay the night there. I woke up and I didn't know where I was. My hair was a mess so I quickly brushed my hair with my fingers. I made my bed, and just sat there. An nurse called me over, and there I met two boys. I forgot the 10 year-old's name, but there was a 17-year-old and his name was Kyle. He was a really nice guy, but he was in trouble for a lot of things. He was charged with attempted murder at one point.
     We sat there talking for 3 hours, not getting the least bit bored. He passed me a note that said "I really have dumb, strong feelings for you." My tummy turned in a knot. I didn't know what to do, so I just looked up, smiled and then slid the note back to him. He wrote a second one that said "I fell hard for you." I knew it took a lot of courage for him to say that, so I gave him a hug. He gave me his number and I gave him mine. When my mom came to pick me up, he gave me a second hug and said he'll miss me. I guess that was happy, but the fact I was in there to begin with wasn't very good.
     The good part about my weekend was going to Monterrey Bay on Sunday morning. I really didn't want to get up because I haven't been sleeping well lately. I eventually got up and we packed up the car. My favorite part of the ride was watching the movie "Tangled" and not getting carsick (whoo!). It was freezing there and the water made my feet numb. It was weird when I was collecting shells and one was....taken. A baby snail came out and scared the bejesus out of me. My sister is terrified of snails so my dad said, "Where is Katlynn when you need her?" That made me laugh so hard (my sister is so scared of snails and slugs). 
     Well, lets wrap this up, so have a good life and until next time...Amber OUTTIE!!!
     About a week ago, my grandma's dog, Chip, died of Parvo. He was just over three months old and my grandma was devastated. She loved him so much. She slipped into a deep depression. She didn't even want to be in her house because he was there. She wouldn't go in her room for a while either. I didn't know what to do. I wanted to help, but I couldn't. 
     The doctor prescribed an antidepressant. That medication would have a reaction with another pain medication (she has a bad back) and the doctor didn't know. My grandma has epilepsy, and it didn't end well. 
     The reaction flared up her epilepsy. My grandma had three seizures yesterday in front of my little brother and sister. My baby sister, Isabella, was terrified. My grandma was holding her when it started and threw her. Blood was coming out of the sids of her mouth because she bit her tongue and lip so hard. About 10 minutes later, she had another. Again, same thing happened. She was so confused and didn't know who we were. 

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