7th Grade School Project
     So, about last weekend, my mom, dad, and grandma all got the new Samsung Galaxy S3. I felt so left out because I've been wanting a phone for years. Honestly, I was just tired, so I was sitting on the couch supporting my head with my hand. Apparently, it looked like I was pouting. As I was dozing off, I heard my grandma point it out that I was "pouting" and went next door to her house (we were at my great-grandma's house at the time). She came back with a Samsung Galaxy S2. It was her old phone, but I didn't care. I've been obsessed with it since then.
     Me, being bored at home in my room, started browsing through Facebook when I came across a picture of my 14-year-old cousin, Violet. She had long, black hair and the most gorgeous blue eyes. I don't remember her eyes being that color. One comment said, "I love that app!", so I searched it in the Android market and I found it!
     It is called NiceEyes. I took pictures of my family, but mostly me. I gave us amazing eyes that I couldn't believe were even on my face. I love it so much. No one at school will let me do them, which is a bummer. I just like changing up my look. Like, a lot. More than I should. 
     I love my new phone! I'm looking for cases, so if anyone has an old case, I'll buy it off you. I want either an owl one or a 3D Stich (from Lilo and Stitch) case. They're so cute! So far, I've only found it for the iPhone. I hate iPhones. They're too fragile. I'm not very gentle....

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